Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Dated : 18092007Yeah, cos i got my new cabinet yesterday noon.
Re-Filled the whole tank with clean water after shifting it & i really gotta bad feeling actually.
So, after work i head home with mum to sort things out @ hm 1st..
Only to discover.. every living things inside died. =_(
19 neon tetras, 2 siamese alage eaters & the laast golfish i had all die in a few hours time.
The PH of the water plus temp drop drastically that it got them kicking.
So much for a hobbist like me.
Well, can't imagine how much $ i have spent just for a hobby.
Check this out!
Check this out!
Our Sunday Well-Spent. :)
[Can someone slap me?]
Our lovely Dinner @ Changi Village. 2 Thumbs!
Our lovely Dinner @ Changi Village. 2 Thumbs!
I had the wonderful moments every now & then.
Trust me, even if it dun last.
I had it all now. =)